Meteor! Finally, web and mobile development brought together.

I’ve been a developer now since 2000. Thats 15 years of keeping up to date with the latest and greatest frameworks and languages.

One of the biggest changes to have happened during my career is the explosion of the Mobile app. The downside is that both Android and iOS (Apple) have there own languages and frameworks for developing apps in. As a Desktop/web developer the process of learning not just 1 but 2 new entirely different processes on top of what I need to know to get my daily coding tasks done has been up to this point a bridge too far.

EnterĀ Meteor! I was introduced to this framework last week by a client who has used it and within an hour I had a code that ran as a website and an Android app and an iOS app. Same code 3 different deployments and it actually worked. Even installed the Android app to a device!

So, I am now seriously looking at moving into the app development space on the back of this amazing framework.

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